Elizabeth Feather – ISRC 2023 Practitioner of the Year

Elizabeth Feather

Introducing Elizabeth Feather the 2023 ISRC Practitioner of the Year. Elizabeth is adjunct faculty at SWIC and staff respiratory Therapist  at Mercy South hospital. She is every RT Manager and co-worker’s dream employee.   She shows up every shift with a positive can-do attitude, even in the height of COVID when things were at their worst.  If I am ever a patient she would be the type and quality of therapist that I would want to take care of me and my family because of her attention to detail and critical thinking,  that alone should say enough. Imagine someone making such an impression that you know that a family member would have a better outcome just because she is working.

She is extremely intelligent (recently passed her ACCS) and above all she provides compassionate care to all.  Our profession needs more RTs like Elizabeth, and the world needs more people like her.


Pictured Left to right – Elizabeth Repp Program Coordinator, Respiratory Care,  Southwestern Illinois College (SWIC), and Elizabeth Feather ISRC 2023 Practitioner of the Year recipient.